An Awakened Life Pocast

An existential, philosophical, and spiritual podcast for deep conversations about consciousness, the nature of intelligence, and the interesting parts of being alive. 

Our podcast aims to capture a unique perspective on reality, in which the act of observing and deeply contemplating all of the wonderful, beautiful, and increasingly fascinating aspects of conscious perception gives rise to a new appreciation of existence. We aim to bring together a wide array of topics, ranging from the deepest and most existential topics in philosophy and spirituality to the seemingly mundane aspects of everday life, all to illustrate the bigger picture of what it means to live an examined life.

Hosted by Reese Kneeland and Quinn Daly.

Coding Projects

DNN Driven MiniMax Chess AI

Chess AI running an iterative deepening MiniMax algorithm guided by an ensemble method containing a custom heuristic estimate and a Deep Neural Network to guide the agent’s decisions at each move.

SecureAI Clip-Guided Diffusion

Harness the power of machine learning and clip-guided diffusion to test the strength of your passwords, and generate an encrypted piece of digital art depicting the keys to your digital world.

OpenMonkey Pose Estimation

A submission to the Open Monkey Challenge that uses an Enhanced UNet architecture applied to a Convolutional Pose Machine to classify poses of Non-Human Primates in natural settings.

Search/Rescue Drone Simulation

A drone simulation that uses a graph based DFS search algorithm and a computer vision object detection algorithm to find its target in a 3d rendered map of the UMN campus.


Facial Recognition Detector

A face detection algorithm that uses Sobel filters, NCC thresholds, and a histogram of oriented gradients to detect faces. Prunes bounding boxes with an IoU Step.

Self Driving F1Tenth Car

Constructing a physical miniaturized self driving car using the F1Tenth project build, and developing an obstacle avoidance simulation for its LIDAR sensor.

Bug0 Obstacle Avoidance Agent

An intelligent obstacle avoidance agent built inside a ROS simulation, uses a virtual LIDAR sensor to detect walls and navigate a path around them.

Data Analysis Notebooks

A collection of python Collab notebooks exploring data science principles and analyzing patterns in various datasets from across the internet.

RKFilms - Videography and E-Sports